Green tea

Gyokuro and sencha, etc.

  • Gyokuro

    Gyokuro is ryokucha with a mild flavor that use freshly picked tea leaves that were grown under covering reeds.
  • Gyokusencha (Kabusecha)

    Gyokusencha (Kabusecha) is ryokucha positioned between gyokuro and sencha. It is made of leaves that grew under covering reeds for a short period of time.
  • Netto Gyokusencha (Netto Kabusecha)

    This is a type of ryokucha made with a relatively high number of stalks that are selected from gyokuro and kabuse raw leaves.
  • Sencha

    It is made of freshly picked new leaves that were not grown under covering reeds, and comes with a fresh flavor and delicate bitterness.

Other tea such as hojicha and genmaicha

  • Hojicha

    This tea has a fragrant smell and is made by roasting kawayanagi, and sencha at high temperatures.
  • Genmaicha

    This tea has a fragrant smell, and is made by mixing roasted brown rice to kawayanagi and/or sencha.
  • Karigane

    This tea has a unique flavor and velvety taste, and is made with stalks of leaves selected for gyokuro and sencha.
  • Kawayanagi

    This tea has a simple flavor, and is made from thick and large leaves selected from raw leaves.
  • Konacha

    This tea is prepared by just adding boiled water to powdered tea. These are powders that were collected during processing.
  • Jinko (mecha)

    This tea comes with a strong flavor and is made with small undeveloped top leaves.
  • Tea bags

    Products that allows easy enjoyment of tea.

Tea with Matcha

  • Horyokucha (sencha with Matcha)

    Sencha produced at high temperatures mixed with matcha. It brings out the fresh green color and aroma when prepared.
  • Karigane with Matcha

    Karigane (kukicha) mixed with matcha. This offers smooth and full-bodied taste.
  • Genmaicha with Matcha

    This offers a fine balance of well-roasted taste of brown rice and matcha’s flavor.